
Text Box: Formed 25 self help women groups in the villages and through these providing access to thrift and credit
Facility (micro finance) for thousands of women besides promoting self employment activities viz tailoring ,dairy devt., leaflet making and agricultural devt., awareness about child care, safe drinking water.
Balanced diet with locally available food grains mobile campaign in 26 villages, kitchen gardening, gender inequalities, legal rights and reservations in Panchayat Raj etc. Constructed 1200 smokeless chullas with NEDCAP support.

Beneficiaries: 8000 women in 15 years

Women and self help groups

Text Box: Formed farmer associations in15 villages and through them supplied seeds, constructed compost pits, distributed crop loans and organized agriculture exposure visits.
Constructed and distributed 1250  grain storage bins with the Ministry of rural devt, Govt of India support. Distributed agricultural implements FEPSA ploughs and PORA tubes, PADDLERS and pottery implements.

Beneficiaries farmers/artisans 4050

Farmers, Artisans and Agriculture

Text Box: Conducted village wise health awareness camps and provided for 88 UNICEF model low cost lavatories.
Motivated women for practicing kitchen gardening. National Institution of Nutrition Govt. of India has been instrumental in this program.
Beneficiaries :  2433 women and 988 men.
Elderly: Providing Food, Medicines and cash for the aged (above 60 years) under  adopt a Granny(AAG)
Program of Help Age International , UK.

Beneficiaries :  65 senior citizens since 1997


Text Box: Organized environmental awareness camps as a part of nation wide “National Environment Awareness Campaign”. Distributed 250 thousands saplings among 670 farmers, horticulture demonstration farm in 2 acre campus is being run.

Beneficiaries :1378


Text Box: Conducted adult education center and Non formal education centres in villages and participated in literacy programs (Akshara  Gyanam).
